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I’m John Richard Boren, and I was a student of Andrew J. Galambos and Jay Stuart Snelson at the Free Enterprise Institute from 1975 to 1980. Most people know me as Richard.  


I’m not at all interested in operating a website, but I felt a moral obligation of gratitude to Professor Galambos to create this one, and am launching it concurrently with the publication of my book, For Intellectual Property, which you can read here in PDF format at no charge, or purchase in print or Kindle formats at Amazon. The main intent is to serve as a resource for people who purchased Galambos’ book, Sic Itur Ad Astra, received Volume One, and have been disappointed to have not received the rest. You’ll see why you don’t have your book, which in turn explains why Galambos, despite his achievements, is an obscure figure. A list of book buyers is on the website, and I hope to hear from them in order to build a database of graduates with current contact information.


In addition to former Galambos students, other interested persons, as well as historians, may find value here. The short story is that Galambos pre-sold and accepted payment for a book, but didn’t write it. Wisely, the book purchase contract provided for this contingency by requiring his trustees to publish a transcript of his key lectures. They published one volume, out of what might have required four or five, then had a change of heart, withdrew the original volume from sale, and have refused to publish the rest, while concealing their decision from the buyers. I believe that many buyers, and the heirs of those who are no longer living, will be shocked by the trustees’ actions. If you are waiting for the rest of your book, unless something changes you aren’t going to get it.


The trustees refuse to publish the remaining prepaid volumes even though this was Galambos’ clearly expressed desire and is their contractual obligation. By so doing they have intentionally interfered with Galambos’ property and that of the buyers.Galambos graduates know that by his definition this is an ongoing crime.


There has been litigation intended to force publication, but it failed due to the reasoning of a judge that a Galambos graduate, and probably many others, would find laughable if not so tragically wrong.  Many of the legal documents pertaining to that action are here.  More recently, I have engaged in lengthy correspondence with the lead trustee, Wayne Joyner, culminating in making a demand for arbitration, which is the right of every book purchaser under the contract.  My demand was denied, and this website was created as a direct response.


Had Galambos been properly published, The Free Enterprise Institute (FEI) might now be thriving, and we might have made progress on the path to a peaceful, prosperous and free world.  Galambos graduates will understand that seemingly grandiose vision.


Why don’t we have his book, and why is FEI now cult-like in its operations, and a pale shadow of its former self? There is a well-documented answer to this, and I believe that most of it can be read here. One man with a flawed vision and apparently exceptional persuasive power is largely to blame. A single document, whose existence is known by almost no one, and which was written by him under a pseudonym, is the smoking gun that leads us to this conclusion. You can read it here.


For people who come across this website without having been a Galambos student, you will find some unfamiliar terminology and references. For the most part, I think you’ll be able to figure them out.  I would also like to refer you to my book and to Fred Marks’website,, for additional information.


I encourage everyone, including newcomers, to provide your contact information so that we can exchange news and our views. I also urge book buyers to let the trustees know that you want the rest of Sic Itur Ad Astra.


I believe that there are now three trustees, Wayne Joyner, Peter Giansante, and Cheryl Cerell. I have limited most of my communication to Wayne Joyner, with the belief that he would share it with the others. If you have contact information for the others, please use it as well.

Mr. Wayne Joyner, Trustee

The Andrew J. Galambos and Suzanne J. Galambos

Natural Estates Trust

3600 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2228

Los Angeles, CA 90010

(213) 487-5700

You can also reach FEI by emailing


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